Sunday, June 29, 2014

My blogging experience

Personally, I had never used this system of blogs. But in general, It hasn't been difficult and I think I have progressed in this.
I think that it's a good way to develop the writing skills in English. In the school, the English classes were very focused to learn to speak English. But it´s different speaking and writing , and both skills have to be developed in the same extent, with reading and listening, the four necessary aspects to communicate.
Also, in the blogs system, everyone may write their own opinions and read about the classmate's opinions too. This becomes the learning more dynamic.
Respect to the topics of the blogs that we had to write week to week, sometimes I liked them and sometimes I didn't. I would like that in the future, the determination of the topics were more open, so nobody would have to write about a subject he doesn't like.

But in general I have to say that I liked to use blogs.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Are you afraid of zombies? Do you thing they exist?
Zombies are a really interesting topic, present in a lot of movies, books, games, and others. Today I will talk about them. Bur first, we have to know what zombies are.

Zombies are the representation of a dead body that resuscitated because of different reasons. According to VudĂș beliefs, a "Houngan", "Bokor" or a VudĂș sorcerer, would be able to resurrect the dead body in a special ritual. But the body would be submitted to all the wishes of the person who returns him to the life. 
I don't remember the first time I haired about zombies, but I can remember different movies of them that I saw when I was a girl. I didn`t like them so much  because it really scared me in that time, but now I don`t. Actually I like them. 
It is not the case of my brother. When we saw this movies together, I really wanted to continue seeing even I was afraid. But he didn`t, and he invented a lot of excuses to stopping the movie, because he was ashamed to assume that actually he was very scared. So he said that he was boring, or that my mum would arrived and she would give us a reprimand. Nothing true, he was scared.
In the school, I had a teacher who somoked a lot. Her face was like a dry and crumpled paper, and her voice sounded like a retired metal singer. So, she really remind me of a zombie. I remind my movies and my brother, it was difficult for me to concentrate in the class. Actually, I thing I had really bad marks in this class.