Wednesday, August 20, 2014

"Un vasito de ron"

Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about a text that I readed de last semester and I liked it so much. It wis called "Un vasito de ron", by Levi-Strauss.
He speak of the etnographer as a individual person that studies the different cultures of the world, trying to understand all of their cultural aspects. He take the problem of the influence of the own culture and how can we "take of" it to really understand the other culture. Also he makes question about the necessity of occidental culture, to study and try to understand the rest of the cultures, as if we were THE big culture, unsatisfied actually with our own progress.
I really liked this text because it is like a dificult challenge for the the antropology and it is very interesting. I think that is importnat to read it, not just fot antropology, also to the rest of the world, because it help to eliminate prejudice of other people or countries, and it help us to evaluate equally all of the cultures.
I really recomend you to read.