Thursday, October 30, 2014

My last blog

Hi, this is my last blog, I'm a little bit sad, but also released, I was tired to write every week about me and my likes, dislikes, stories or opinions, I'm actually a shy person. This semester I truly enjoyed English classes, despite having to stay every Wednesday, and not resting as much as I wanted to, I had fun at classes. With the blog, I learned a different way to communicate things that sometimes are harder to understand than to be told. I indeed practiced my writing and improved my grammar, but sometimes I got bored because subjects were really obvious and repetitive. Maybe that’s something to improve for next generations of English students.
In my house no one speaks English, so being there, I have no occasion to practice. Instead, in my university classes, it has been very useful because we have to read English papers all the time, that sometimes are simples, but without basic vocabulary  so you can't understand anything. Also, lately I’ve started to watch movies in English, and trying not to read he subtitles, just understanding by listening at actor’s voices. It’s kind of fun, sometimes I get it really well, and sometimes it’s a little bit harder. One last thing that I’ve enjoyed more since I learned English, it’s listening and then singing English songs, I can understand some lyrics and then sing them with actual mining. I’m very attached to music, I actually play piano, guitar, and I like singing, I think it’s very important to get really involve with the thing you like and do it the best you can, so speaking a little more English helps me to achieve this.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

About 2014

Hi everyone! Today I am going to make a sort of evaluation of my 2014. This year was my first year at the university, and actually, when I postulated here, I wasn’t sure of that. I didn`t know very well what my career was about, and I wanted to do many other things, but finally I decided to enter to anthropology.
Now, when the year is finishing, I can say that I am happy of have taken this decision. In general, I have liked the career. I don’t know if it was the best decision, because I don’t know how had been if I were taken other options. But for now, I will stay here.
Of course, there are too many things that I expected, that I wanted to do and I didn’t. Maybe I have been short of time, trying to adapt at the university’s rhythm. At the start of the year, I wanted to take French classes, to traveling to Machu Pichu in winter, to take classes of “tela” (it is a type of air circus art), and other things. Of all of that, I just taked classes of “tela”, and I am very happy for have do it. I needed some more time to do the rest of things that I wanted. But I hope to do it at the next year, because I hope that I will organize my time better than now.
I couldn’t travelled to Machu Pichu in the last winter because I didn’t have enough money, but in exchange of that, I will travel to Bolivia at this summer, and I am working now to do it.  

So, I hope that the things that I couldn’t make this year, can be made in the next. And not just that, I really hope to have new plans and expectative to do it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

About a video

This video is about a woman arguing that social media applications are going to help to eliminate some stereotypes that we have as a society about gender.
The woman says that the most of media companies like the TV, the radio and others, use demography as a method to understand their audiences. They categorize us with restrictive labels to define us. So, they think that we become in something predictable.
All the people that participate in social media companies belong to these demography categories. But today these categories are not so useful than before for the companies, because now is easier to escape of that restrictions. We can connect with people with more freely than before, and we don`t need the company to do it.
Women use the social networking technologies more than men, so they become very important to these companies. Finally, the woman of the video says that women are going to be the responsible of finish with these categories of gender.
Actually, I thing that the technology is not the only factor in the categorization of gender. These categories have always existed in our culture, they have been constructed by different factors of our culture. Movies or publicity are some examples that influence in the way that we understand the gender.

I don’t think that the finish of these stereotypes will come for the decisions of technology companies. Actually, I think that even if the social media changes, these categorize will keep appearing in other aspects of our occidental culture. The change of this mentality has to come from the forms of education.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hi! Actually, I don't considerer myself as a facebook lovers or something like that. When I arrive to my house, I have never felt that I need to conect it. But, it is true that the first thing that I do when I turn on my computer, is logging in facebook. Maybe it is a excuse to postpone the things that we have to do, it's true. But actually, even thought facebook have a lot of bad things like the scarcity of privacity and other things, there are also some things that I like about it.
When I conect to facebook, I like to see some interesting publications of diferent pages like The Clinic, and to many others. Also, it is useful to recive important information, quickly and easily. For example, some news, the new date of a test of university, and other things.
Another thing that I like is that I can know about people when they are far. I can see their photos, videos and we can have virtual conversations to get shorter the large distances.
Now, something that I don't like of Facebook is the constant battle of egos. Ther are a lot of people that "compete" to have more likes in their photos, or things like that. But in the same time, I like the posibility of express diferent opinions, to make me think about other thinking, and vice versa.
So I think that facebook give you that posibility (there are many others too), and many others. But using it, you lose some things like your privacity. So we have to use it being carefull with the things that we publish.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Going green!

Today i want to write about my "green" habits.
As everyone knows, now more than ever is important that we protect our planet from pollution, extinction, global warming, etc. Because of that, new tendencies have reached our homes and  veciandarios. "going green" is about making a change in our habits to protects as many ways as possible our planet. One of the most commun going green habits, is recicying. Now there are "green points" in almost every comuna, you can leave tetrapack boxes, plastics, glass bottles, etc. In my house we recycle almost all the things, me and my brother we bought three different containers to make things easy.
Other going green habits can be taking shorter showers to save water, also save electricity by turning off the lights if you're not using them and make composts to avoid throwing away all the organic trash.
Another thing that is gettin more and more popular is riding a bike instead of taking the bus or car. It has double beneffict, you do excersice, wich is good for your health, and you help the planet by not polluting in the street.