Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hi! Actually, I don't considerer myself as a facebook lovers or something like that. When I arrive to my house, I have never felt that I need to conect it. But, it is true that the first thing that I do when I turn on my computer, is logging in facebook. Maybe it is a excuse to postpone the things that we have to do, it's true. But actually, even thought facebook have a lot of bad things like the scarcity of privacity and other things, there are also some things that I like about it.
When I conect to facebook, I like to see some interesting publications of diferent pages like The Clinic, and to many others. Also, it is useful to recive important information, quickly and easily. For example, some news, the new date of a test of university, and other things.
Another thing that I like is that I can know about people when they are far. I can see their photos, videos and we can have virtual conversations to get shorter the large distances.
Now, something that I don't like of Facebook is the constant battle of egos. Ther are a lot of people that "compete" to have more likes in their photos, or things like that. But in the same time, I like the posibility of express diferent opinions, to make me think about other thinking, and vice versa.
So I think that facebook give you that posibility (there are many others too), and many others. But using it, you lose some things like your privacity. So we have to use it being carefull with the things that we publish.


  1. Hi Beatriz! I agree with you, the privacity is very important topic about facebook, we have to be carefull. See you!

  2. Hi! I see the BioBio news... they are useless but they are very funny jajaja. I entertain a lot! jajaja

  3. It`s true, in facebook you can read many interesting thing!

  4. What you say about ego battles is so true but it's also kind of funny
