Thursday, October 30, 2014

My last blog

Hi, this is my last blog, I'm a little bit sad, but also released, I was tired to write every week about me and my likes, dislikes, stories or opinions, I'm actually a shy person. This semester I truly enjoyed English classes, despite having to stay every Wednesday, and not resting as much as I wanted to, I had fun at classes. With the blog, I learned a different way to communicate things that sometimes are harder to understand than to be told. I indeed practiced my writing and improved my grammar, but sometimes I got bored because subjects were really obvious and repetitive. Maybe that’s something to improve for next generations of English students.
In my house no one speaks English, so being there, I have no occasion to practice. Instead, in my university classes, it has been very useful because we have to read English papers all the time, that sometimes are simples, but without basic vocabulary  so you can't understand anything. Also, lately I’ve started to watch movies in English, and trying not to read he subtitles, just understanding by listening at actor’s voices. It’s kind of fun, sometimes I get it really well, and sometimes it’s a little bit harder. One last thing that I’ve enjoyed more since I learned English, it’s listening and then singing English songs, I can understand some lyrics and then sing them with actual mining. I’m very attached to music, I actually play piano, guitar, and I like singing, I think it’s very important to get really involve with the thing you like and do it the best you can, so speaking a little more English helps me to achieve this.

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