Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Going green!

Today i want to write about my "green" habits.
As everyone knows, now more than ever is important that we protect our planet from pollution, extinction, global warming, etc. Because of that, new tendencies have reached our homes and  veciandarios. "going green" is about making a change in our habits to protects as many ways as possible our planet. One of the most commun going green habits, is recicying. Now there are "green points" in almost every comuna, you can leave tetrapack boxes, plastics, glass bottles, etc. In my house we recycle almost all the things, me and my brother we bought three different containers to make things easy.
Other going green habits can be taking shorter showers to save water, also save electricity by turning off the lights if you're not using them and make composts to avoid throwing away all the organic trash.
Another thing that is gettin more and more popular is riding a bike instead of taking the bus or car. It has double beneffict, you do excersice, wich is good for your health, and you help the planet by not polluting in the street.


  1. congratulations for recycle your trash! :D

  2. riding a bike it's a great way or reduce contamination and do excercise, but when you live very far of the university, it's hard to do it :/

  3. Hi beatriz
    congratulations for recycle, in this society a few people do it

  4. Congratulations! you are very green jaja
